Advanced Diary

Advanced Diary 7.1 for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

Advanced Diary Abstract:

Advanced Diary is so much more than just a simple diary! It is a shareware daily log creation application that's advanced and well-designed.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Digital journal where store all private information, with a built-in text editor with advanced formatting options - Screenshot of Advanced Diary
Digital journal where store all private information, with a built-in text editor with advanced formatting options.
Screenshot of Advanced Diary - 740px · 566px
Keep a personal diary on your computer - Screenshot of Advanced Diary
Keep a personal diary on your computer.
Screenshot of Advanced Diary - 740px · 567px
Powerful electronic journal - Screenshot of Advanced Diary
Powerful electronic journal.
Screenshot of Advanced Diary - 740px · 567px
Advanced Diary: User interface - Screenshot of Advanced Diary
Advanced Diary: User interface.
Screenshot of Advanced Diary - 740px · 549px
Advanced Diary screenshot
Screenshot of Advanced Diary -
Size: 458px · 306px